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Archive for April 2015

Figuratively Speaking

#MindGame #Figuratively #Speaking #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.
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The Amount of Money that's in your Bank at the time of Death, is the Extra Work U did which wasn't Necessary. So Enjoy Life!

#Enjoy #Life #Money #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #.
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Lesson of Time - Karma

#Karma #Time #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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We love, We are family, We do really loud, We forgive, We give hugs, We have fun, We give second chances, We say I'm sorry, We make mistakes, We are Real, In this House

#House #Family #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Q.
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One day, love and friendship met. Love asked, 'Why do you exist when I already exist?' Friendship smiled and said, "To put a Smile where you leave Tears."

#Smile #Tear #Frindship #Love #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.
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Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams

#Life #Dream #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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Healthy! Tomatoes

#Tomatoes #Healthy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com .

DIY! Paper Dahlia Wreath

#Paper #Wreath #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogs.
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DIY! Bead Bracelet

#Bead #Lace #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.
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Life is a very obedient waiter but it utters only two sentences - #Your Order, Sir #Sorry Sir, Order once placed will not be cancelled

#Life #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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No matter how busy a person is, if they really care, they will always find the time for you

#Care #Busy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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Give, but don't allow yourself to be used. Love, but don't allow your heart to be abused. Trust, but don't be naive. Listen to others, but don't lose your own voice.

#Give #Love #Trust #Listen #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.
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Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling

#Happiness #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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What this country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds - Will Rogers

#Cleaner #WillRogers #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.

If you're not getting someone's attention don't give them yours, you're only empowering them to hurt you

#Attention #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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Don't judge a situation you've never been in

#Judge #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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Let go of the thoughts that don't make you strong

#Thoughts  #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.
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Healthy! DIY! Avocado Banana Hair Mask

#Avocado #Banana #Hair #Mask #DIY #DoItYourself #Healthy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg.

DIY! Container Herb Garden for a Patio

#Garden #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogs.
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DIY! Candle with Leaves

#Candle #DIY #DoItYourself #Healthy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-.
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You can't run from all your problem, but it will help you lose weight

#Run #Problem #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living - Anthony Douglas Williams

#Knowledge #Wisdom #AnthonyDouglasWilliams #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg.

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned - Peter Marshall

#Deeds #PeterMarshall #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.

Be bold, Be brave, Be strong, Be happy, Be free, Be silly, Be original, Be You

#Bold #Brave #Strong #Happy #Free #Silly #Original #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg.
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Don't waste your time with explanation, people only hear what they want to hear - Paulo Coelbo

#Explanation #PauloCoelbo #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream

#Dream #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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DIY! Old Tyre Tube into Bean Chair

#BeanChair #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Pi.
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DIY! Colorful Pencil Necklace

#Colorful #Pencil #Necklace #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg.
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Healthy! 5 spices for weight loss

#Spices #WeightLoss #Healthy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogs.

Promise, is a big word. It either makes something, or it breaks everything

#Promise #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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It doesn't matter how many resources you have if you don't know how to use them, they will never be enough

#Resources #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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True love has no happy ending simply because true love new ends

#Love #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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Today's assignment: "Smile and become who you want to be" - The Happy Creations

#Smile #Happy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com #Quot.
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When you think everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot - Dalai Lama

#Fault #DalaiLama #Saying #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogspot.com.

Healthy! Workout Motivation Tip!

.#Workout #Motivation #Healthy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-msg.blogs.

Healthy! Healing scars naturally

#Healing #Scars #Naturally #Healthy #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-ms.

DIY! Easy kitchen tip

#Kitchen #Tip #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-.
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DIY! Old tie, new trendy collar

#Tie #Collar #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-m.
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DIY! Sand cast using gaint leaf

#Sand #Cast #DIY #DoItYourself #Picture #Message #Photo #Msg #Picture-msg #Picture-ms.
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